The HOCH.REIN GROUP is an international, medium-sized investment holding company. The aim of the Family Office in Lower Franconia is to promote innovative entrepreneurship.

in 2005 

Sales approx.
45 million

Over 75

Over 150 corporate


We lead inno­v­a­tive com­pa­nies to suc­cess. We achieve this by involv­ing strate­gic part­ners and finan­cial investors, with the help of our shared ser­vices and the man­u­fac­tur­ing and indus­tri­al exper­tise of the Group com­pa­nies, in the areas of Future & Inno­va­tion, Tech­nol­o­gy & Ener­gy and Net­work­ing & Synergies.

We invest in the future. This is reflect­ed in our busi­ness areas:

New Ener­gies

New Tech­nolo­gies & AI

Renew­able Ener­gy Trading

Recy­cling & Sustainability

Real Estate & Services

Indus­tri­al Manufacturing

Inno­v­a­tive strength derived from research and devel­op­ment plays a deci­sive role in cor­po­rate devel­op­ment. It often deter­mines the mar­ketabil­i­ty and com­pet­i­tive­ness of a prod­uct or ser­vice. Con­trolled inno­va­tions cre­ate clear com­pet­i­tive advan­tages and entre­pre­neur­ial suc­cess. Small, medi­um-sized com­pa­nies and start-ups often lack the finan­cial resources and access to broad know-how and con­tacts to imple­ment their ideas. This is where HOCH.REIN comes in with all its technology‑, mar­ket- and finan­cial exper­tise by sup­port­ing com­pa­nies and joint­ly devel­op­ing inno­v­a­tive, mar­ketable tech­nolo­gies from visions and real­iz­ing them in a future-proof manner.

Holis­tic busi­ness opti­miza­tion for SMEs and start-ups:

HOCH.REIN is focused on devel­op­ing new tech­nolo­gies and improv­ing exist­ing process­es. We imple­ment and inte­grate new tech­nolo­gies into exist­ing prod­ucts and sys­tems, which increas­es effi­ca­cy and success.

With pro­grams to pro­mote inno­va­tions and tech­nolo­gies, we give ideas and visions a future. Every­thing from a sin­gle, reli­able source. 

“Give your ideas wings and have entre­pre­neur­ial courage. Togeth­er we will take you for­ward into your suc­cess­ful future!”


Com­pa­ny | Start-Up Support

Glob­al Cor­po­rate Orientation

Glob­al Cor­po­rate Orientation

Know-how & Professionalism

Price | Cost Transparency

Cost Reduc­tion

Process Ori­en­ta­tion


Mar­ket Orientation

Mar­ket | Competitiveness

Con­tin­u­ous Devel­op­ment | Improvement

Val­ue Cre­ation | Val­ue Addition