HOCH.REIN – always a visionary and pioneer. Since 2005. 

Environmental protection, climate change, sustainability, alternative energies, and new technologies – all topics that have played a key role in the HOCH.REIN GROUP ever since the very beginning. The roots of the Lower Franconian holding company lie in the field of renewable energy generation. Today, we continuously invest in the energy turnaround, the improvement of the climate and the further development of technologies. Innovative technologies that we are convinced are relevant for shaping a sustainable future. 

PV pioneer with BELECTRIC

2001 — 2017

HOCH.REIN has made BELCECTRIC one of the world’s leading companies in the development and construction of ground-mounted solar power plants and energy storage systems. 

2008: Real-time Mon­i­tor­ing and Man­age­ment Sys­tem.
Inven­tion of a Pow­er Con­di­tion­ing Unit (PCU), intel­li­gent pow­er plant man­age­ment sys­tem, with advanced invert­er sta­tion and trans­former unit

2010 and 2011: BELECTRIC is the world leader in the devel­op­ment and con­struc­tion (EPC) of ground-mount­ed solar pow­er plants and rooftop pho­to­volta­ic sys­tems.
World’s first com­pa­ny with over 1 GWP of installed PV out­put
Win­ner of the “Inter­so­lar Award“
Top #3 O&M mar­ket leader
becomes a 100% sub­sidiary of Inno­gy SE.

Today, BELECTRIC is a part of Ele­vion Group and is rep­re­sent­ed in 10 coun­tries on 4 continents.

Establishment of the PV project business worldwide with 25 locations (Clean Technology Partners)

2011 — 2019

From the very beginning, HOCH.REIN and its group companies have played a decisive role in shaping and influencing the PV industry worldwide. For example, the support provided in establishing the Clean Technology Partners company in the solar energy market in Australia is bearing fruit today: a nationwide distribution of solar energy has been achieved. HOCH.REIN plays a supporting role with its expertise and a broad network in the solar industry. After just a few years, Clean Technology Partners has become the market leader in the solar energy sector in Australia.

Driver of smart charging infrastructure systems with chargeIT mobility

2010 — 2019

HOCH.REIN recognized early on that with an increasing number of e‑vehicles – or EVs, the charging infrastructure will play a decisive role and is one of the first pioneers of E‑Mobility to focus on the development and expansion of intelligent charging systems.

2010: Green light for the con­struc­tion of a tech­nol­o­gy and test site at INNOPARK Kitzin­gen.
until 2019: Devel­op­ment of smart and holis­tic charg­ing infra­struc­ture sys­tems (hard­ware + soft­ware)
2011: Win­ner of the “Inter­so­lar Award
2014: Win­ner of the “Indus­try Award Cat­e­go­ry Prod­ucts”.
2018: Award Win­ner of the E‑Mobility Week 2018 in the cat­e­go­ry “Charg­ing Tech­nol­o­gy Prod­uct Inno­va­tion of the Year”.

Today, chargeIT mobil­i­ty, with over 3,000 charg­ing points (main­ly in Ger­many), is part of Eneco eMo­bil­i­ty. The com­pa­nies join forces and com­bine their pres­ence in the Ger­man and Benelux EV charg­ing markets.

From PV giant to organic photovoltaic technology with OPVIUS 

2012 — 2019

From the very start, HOCH.REIN has been instrumental in making solar power a marketable alternative to fossil fuels. So why not also produce electricity directly where it is needed and adapted to aesthetic requirements? BELECTRIC was the first to develop organic photovoltaics (OPV). OPV works on the basis of printed, freely formable, lightweight and highly flexible photovoltaic films that can be integrated in design products and architecture, e.g. in glass facades. 

2015: Com­ple­tion of the largest build­ing-inte­grat­ed OPV sys­tem in the world, for the African Union.
2017: Win­ner of the Zum­to­bel Group Award — OPVIUS receives award in the “Applied Inno­va­tions” cat­e­go­ry
2018: Instal­la­tion of the world’s first ener­gy-active ETFE façade with print­ed OPV in Darm­stadt, Ger­many.
2020: Win­ner of the Ger­man Sus­tain­abil­i­ty Award in the “Cli­mate” category

Today, OPVIUS (ASCA GmbH) is part of the French group ARMOR.
The bundling of know-how will make ASCA a glob­al bench­mark com­pa­ny in the tech­nol­o­gy OPV field.

Restructuring at its best –
with RST to become a cross-industry automation pioneer 

2011 — 2020

HOCH.REIN specializes in the restructuring of companies. The history of RST Robotertechnik (robot technology) shows just that. Taken over from a difficult market environment, stabilized, merged with the most important competitor and thus led to market leadership in the field of beverage filling systems. HOCH.REIN secures long-term market leadership for RST Automatisierungstechnik GmbH. Today, RST Robotertechnik is a successful part of H.F. Meyer Maschinenbau. 

Komplettanbieter rund um Stanz- und Biegetechnik mit der MKB

2007 — 2019

Tradition halten in der Oberflächenveredlung mit der NTW Härterei

2006 — 2020

Volle Kraft voraus mit dem hauseigenen Logistik- und Lagermanagementzentrum JMK

2006 — 2019